How to protect cars, bicycles, motorcycles ... How to protect cars, bicycles, motorcycles ... Entertainment mates published by the press How to protect your car Always closed the doors of the car. When driving, keep all doors closed. If you must leave the key with the attendant, leave only the ignition key. In all cases, lock your car.
At night, park only in well-lit areas. If you have a garage, and secure one on the door is not enough to keep intruders from prying up the opposite side and crawling where one of the three methods can be used to secure the door: (1) add another bolt and lock on the opposite side, or (2) installation of husband cane bolts to the inside - only operable from the inside, or (3) Add to the top center hasp. Any person of average height can operate this device lock. Health and safety plan must be of steel and install the screws with a door or gate. Use large washers at home. After the nuts and content, or obscure and handling of the bolt ends with a hammer to keep the nuts from being removed. Never leave the lock unlocked.
This is an invitation to remove the lock and key so it can be, and the lock returned to its location. Later, when no longer a thief and one is home and enters in his spare time, using 'his' key. How to protect bikes Using a chain and lock and approved whenever you're not on the seat! Lock to the garage - with 3 / 8 '× 6' eye screw installed to the nail. Whenever lock your bike in a public place, a series of rack to secure or landmark within the framework and the wheel. Maintain a series of high above the ground and allow the bike.
This reduces the influence of the bar pry or cut the bolt attack. Low model adopted Chen Ties must be continuously welded. A series of lighter, or a series of links with Fatah simply will not withstand bolt cutting attacks. Do not give your bike away! It must be content with the unpaired 3-8 'hardening of alloy steels and a lock of equal strength. Coated cables did not prove to be a satisfactory deterrent to theft. Light Good exterior lighting is important, especially when the area was obscured by high-field, non-removable bushes. You can buy an inexpensive timer or photo electric cells that will automatically turn lights in the dusk, and turn them off at dawn.