There are advantages and disadvantages to becoming
affiliated with the local expatriate (foreign) community (if
The advantages include the sense of identity
and security you feel when you are around people who
resemble you in important ways and who share the experience
of being a foreigner.
One disadvantage is that time
spent with other foreigners is time that you won’t be
spending with Americans. Another disadvantage is that
you are likely to accept uncritically whatever misjudgments
and misinformation have come to be perpetuated among
the foreigners.
Try to find people who are from your country or world
area, who seem to have a balanced and rational point of
view, and who have been in the United States for less
year are likely to have forgotten much of their initial experience
surprising? What was hardest for them to adjust to? Who
helped them the most? What field trips do they suggest?
who have lived in your own country, are likely to prove
interested and helpful. people through a college or university international education